Encouraging Positive Online Behaviour


3 min read

Encouraging Positive Online Behaviour

Salutations, paragons of pixels and parental prowess! As we traverse the winding roads of Agile Parenting, we've ventured into the expansive realms of gaming, learned to manage screen time, and now we stand at the digital frontier – the online world. It's time to tackle a critical quest: Encouraging positive online behaviour. Shields up and swords ready, fellow gamers! Let's dive in.

As our children embark on their online adventures, they must know how to navigate this vast digital landscape responsibly. It's like teaching them the controls before they start playing a new game. The goal is to foster 'digital citizenship', promoting respectful and responsible online behaviour (1).

How can Agile principles guide us on this mission? Let's discover:

1. Understanding the Landscape: Start by having an open conversation with your child about the online world – the good, the bad, and the ugly. This isn't about instilling fear but about arming them with knowledge, much like understanding a game's mechanics before playing.

2. Setting the Rules: Work with your child to create a set of 'online behaviour rules', like respecting others' privacy, not sharing personal information, and reporting any inappropriate interactions. This can be viewed as setting the 'game rules' for their online interactions.

3. Role-Playing Scenarios: Use role-playing to simulate potential online scenarios. It's like playing a game in 'safe mode' before venturing into the real challenge. This practice helps children understand how to apply the rules in different situations.

4. Encouraging Empathy: Just like teamwork is crucial in many video games, empathy is key to positive online interactions. Encourage your child to consider other people's feelings before they post or comment online.

5. Celebrating Positive Behaviour: Reward positive online behaviour. This could be something as simple as praising them for reporting a negative interaction or acknowledging when they've helped someone online. In gaming terms, think of it as 'levelling up' for demonstrating good digital citizenship.

6. Regularly Review and Adjust: As your child grows and their online presence expands, regularly review and adjust these guidelines. Just like game strategies need to evolve with new levels and challenges, so do our digital citizenship strategies.

It's crucial to remember that, as parents, we're the most influential role models our children have. By practicing positive online behaviour ourselves, we're providing them with a real-time example to learn from, much like how they might watch us expertly navigate through a challenging level in a video game.

Knight of the keyboard, masters of the mouse, we've now gained the knowledge to help our young ones become responsible digital citizens. It's not an easy quest, but with Agile Parenting guiding us, we're well-equipped to handle any online boss battles that come our way. As always, remember: in the game of parenting, every challenge overcome is a victory to be celebrated.


  1. Ribble, M. (2015). Digital citizenship in schools: Nine elements all students should know. International Society for Technology in Education.

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